Saturday, January 14, 2017

Life Update

It's been a long while since I started this blog for mommies. Quite frankly life swept me up and took over, leaving no time to write thoughtfully for moms who needed daily motivation & encouragement.

I am now ready to refocus on what I feel is a truly wonderful way for me to connect with other hardworking moms... so here is a re-cap of my life!

I am a Stay at home mom of three girls: ages 5, 2 & 11 weeks old.  Currently attempting to homeschool my oldest, while maintaining a wholesome home life for my two youngest girls.  Residing in a tiny home in Fort Worth TX, missing my Iowa farm house, garden & friends. 

Family & Home is truly gods calling for my life.  I am blessed to be called Momma, and have the best job in the world. 

Cold winter days

In my opinion cold winter days are some of the best. 

I love hanging around my cozy home in soft socks, drinking lots of coffee, cooing at my newest baby girl, while my other two little ones are busy building forts.

It is truly my Daily Joy today...just thankful for this warm little cozy place we currently call home. A place of safety warmth, and family.. a big pot of healthy meatball veggie soup on the stove.... I don't think there's much better than that. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Remember what it was like

Do you remember what it was like to be a kid and meet a "princess" or character that you admired?

This was my "Daily Joy" yesterday!!! I watched my little girl meet a "princess" and go to her tea party at the Children's Museum in Omaha.

My daughter loved every minute.  She loved participating with other little girls in songs, fake tea and cookies, dancing, and games.

It truly brought Joy to my life to watch my little girl pretend to be a princess and socialize with other little girls in a huge princess tea party.

Sometimes it is hard for me as an adult to remember how special those little moments can be to a kid.

Let Kids Rest and Get Bored

Yesterday morning I was getting my little one dressed for the day and she said "Mommy where we going?"  I told her we were going to the grocery store and to the Children's Museum and then to eat lunch with daddy at his office.  She looked at me and said "No, lets just stay at home."

I realized that while it is fun to go and have activities and also important to do the grocery shopping so my family has food.. sometimes little ones just need down time.  They need days at home with no where to go and no agenda, and no play dates.  It is healthy for them to have some time to get bored, so they can use their imagination and have free play.

So today we have no agenda; we are still in our PJs and are just going to see what unfolds for the day here at home.  Hopefully I can come up with a few fun crafts and then leave Madison with the rest of the day for just rest and free play....Humm maybe one of our activities can involve making brownies or cookies (that's more for mommy..haha).

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Fun 4th of July

4th of July was crazy around our house... so fun...but totally crazy.
We had four house guests and two other family members stayed close by.  It was so wonderful to have family during the holidays.

We played games of family baseball in the yard, BBQ out on the grill, had smores by the firepit (a first for my 2 year old), homemade ice cream, and just had nice times sitting around the patios chatting sipping coffee, tea, & lemonade.... it is what I imagine Mayberry or Stars Hollow would be like all the time (if either of those places were real).

We attended our small town firework show that was set up to synch with patriotic country music.. it was like stepping back into time.  I saw no kids or parents on cell phones or electronic gaming devices..everyone was sitting in lawn chairs watching kids run and play with balls or sparklers, it was truly refreshing.

There is something about the 4th of July that makes people nostalgic for the days of old... and also truly appreciate what they, friends, and just time together.


I hope everyone had a great 4th!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fueling our Bodies

I have had a very challenging morning with my little one.  She has been cranky, defiant, and whiny.
My patience with her has been pretty thin, so perhaps I am feeling a little cranky and whiny as well.

After an unsuccessful attempt at getting her to eat breakfast (milk & toast with Nutella.. the breakfast of champions, Right?) , she started to whine that she wanted jelly beans, cheetos, hot dogs, butter and numerous other items, that there is no way I would feed her for breakfast!
I started to think, as I sipped my coffee.....  Humm, all she has had this last two days is a bunch of junk food!  No wonder that's what she wants for breakfast.
At that instant I vowed I would get rid of the junk and make her eat good nutritious foods.

Don't get me wrong, my daughter eats healthy most of the time (her favorite snack is carrots, cucumbers and hummus), but sometimes I just get lazy and its easier to hand her a package of gummy snacks then it is for me to go cut up an apple or peel an orange.. how sad.

I know without a doubt that her attitude and sleep is greatly affected by what she eats, so I will put in my very best effort to make sure she eats healthy.

But here's my other dilemma...I also need to eat better... we are our kids role models, and I have to admit I am flunking horribly when it comes to my own nutrition and diet habits.

I am sure I am not the only mommy to do this:
  • I find that most often I skip breakfast and opt for only coffee in the morning. 
  • I eat a lunch of whatever I can find leftover in the fridge or pantry, sometimes I get busy with house chores and completely forget to eat lunch as well. So by afternoon time I am starving, but don't snack.. I hold out till dinner.
  • I am very vigilant that dinner is delicious and healthy for my husband and daughter, but I tend to over eat as this is my sometimes first meal of the day.

 So.. heres the main point:  When it seems like your kiddos are behaving poorly, review their food choices over the last few days & YOURS too!  Perhaps if we all make the resolution to put the right things in our bodies, we will all have better attitudes and sleep (and NO I'm suggesting we skip dessert or treats.. just that we are more aware.. I still need chocolate, haha).

Here a list of 25 healthy snacks, just for inspiration:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thank You

I saw this prayer on a daily bible devotional email I get & I loved it!

"Lord, Thank you for dirty clothes, muddy shoes, messy rooms, a dusty house, tired legs, aching knees & taxes. I thank you I have clothes, shoes, a room to make a mess in, a house to get dirty, legs that work, knees that bend, and a country in which I can pay taxes."

It makes me realize even in my troubles how truly blessed I am.
I'm blessed to have my family, a roof over our head, food on our table, our wonderful health & Gods grace.